Precautions for layer light management in battery cage system

Precautions for layer light management in battery cage system?The maximum light time for laying hens cannot exceed 17 hours per day. Too long time consumes electricity, the chicken is also prone to fatigue, and the egg breakage rate is likely to increase. No matter how the lighting time is arranged, it is necessary to ensure that the laying hens have 8 hours of dark time to rest; supplement the lighting time, and the time of turning on and turning off the lights must be regular.


Don’t change it casually, so as not to disrupt the chicken’s living habits, cause uneasiness, or even shock the group; the light for laying hens should be extended gradually, not shortened, otherwise there will be a decline in egg production; when the light increases too quickly, poorly developed chickens will pass. Early production starts, and the mortality rate in the early stage of laying eggs will be too high; increasing light and feeding systems must be organically combined.



layer chicken cages are very popular in our clients for their high automation feature.



Just give light and no feed will cause fatigue, especially in winter battery cage system, when there is no food to eat under the light, the chickens are constantly moving, and the energy consumption is more, so it should be noted; when the light is implemented, it should be adjusted according to the degree of rise and fall of egg production rate. When the egg production rate naturally rises, the light increase time is easy to be slow, and the light time is increased only when the egg production rises slowly or does not rise. The brightness of the light should not be too strong or weak, too strong and power consumption, prone to pecking habit, too weak can not play the role of light; chickens of different ages cannot be raised in the same chicken house, otherwise the correct lighting system cannot be implemented.


Different chicken breeds have different requirements for light. Different chicken breeds have different feeding and management guidelines, which should be used flexibly in accordance with the specific conditions of each chicken farm.