Automatic Chicken Cages for Sale in Malaysia

Poultry farming plays a crucial role in meeting the growing demand for poultry products, including eggs and meat, in Malaysia. To ensure efficient and profitable poultry production, it’s essential to invest in high-quality and technologically advanced poultry equipment. LIVI, a leading poultry equipment manufacturer, offers a comprehensive range of automatic chicken cages for sale in Malaysia, designed to revolutionize poultry farming operations.

Understanding Automatic Chicken Cages in Malaysia

Automatic chicken cages, also known as battery cages, are meticulously engineered to provide optimal housing conditions for layers and broilers. They consist of multiple tiers of stacked cages, each equipped with essential features that automate various aspects of poultry management.

battery cages in Malaysia poultry farm

Benefits of Automatic Chicken Cages in Malaysia

a. Enhanced Productivity: Automatic chicken cages optimize space utilization, allowing for more birds to be housed in a compact area. This translates into increased productivity and profitability.

b. Efficient Egg Collection: Automated egg collection systems integrated into the cages ensure timely and efficient egg gathering, minimizing labor costs and reducing the risk of egg breakage.

c. Precise Feeding and Watering: Automatic feeding and watering systems provide a consistent supply of feed and water to the birds, ensuring optimal nutrition and hydration for better growth and egg production.

d. Improved Hygiene: Automatic chicken cages are designed to maintain a clean and hygienic environment, reducing the risk of disease outbreak and promoting overall bird health.

e. Labor-Saving: Automation of various poultry management tasks, such as egg collection and waste removal, reduces the reliance on manual labor, allowing farmers to focus on other aspects of their operations.

LIVI Automatic Chicken Cage Solutions in Malaysia

a. Quality Construction: LIVI’s automatic chicken cages in Malaysia are manufactured using high-quality materials that ensure durability, strength, and longevity, withstanding the rigors of daily use.

b. Customization Options: LIVI offers customizable cage designs to cater to specific poultry farming requirements, including cage size, number of tiers, and additional features.

c. Cutting-Edge Technology: LIVI incorporates innovative technologies into its automatic chicken cages, such as automated climate control systems and advanced feeding and watering mechanisms.

d. Environmental Sustainability: LIVI’s automatic chicken cages are designed with sustainability in mind, minimizing energy consumption and waste generation while promoting bird welfare.

Installation and Maintenance

a. Professional Installation: LIVI provides professional installation services to ensure proper setup and functioning of the automatic chicken cages.

b. Comprehensive Training: LIVI offers comprehensive training to familiarize farmers with the operation and maintenance of the automatic chicken cages, empowering them to manage their poultry farms effectively.

c. After-Sales Support: LIVI’s dedicated after-sales support team is readily available to assist farmers with any queries or technical issues they may encounter.


Investing in automatic chicken cages in Malaysia from LIVI is a strategic decision that can revolutionize poultry farming operations. These technologically advanced cages offer numerous advantages, including enhanced productivity, efficient egg collection, precise feeding and watering, improved hygiene, labor-saving, and customization options. With LIVI’s commitment to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction, poultry farmers can confidently choose LIVI automatic chicken cages to unlock new levels of efficiency and profitability in their poultry farming endeavors.